Section Syntax

You can use section tag to define a section in your template file.

Begin Syntax: <!-- BEGIN section SECTION -->

End Syntax: <!-- END section SECTION -->


<!-- BEGIN test SECTION -->This is a test section.<!-- END test SECTION -->

If you have the same template content in multiple sections, you can define it with the following syntax:

<!-- BEGIN feat, refactor, test SECTION -->The content in this section will be generated in feat, refactor and test sections.<!-- END feat, refactor, test SECTION -->

It is very useful when you have a lot of sections with the same content.

The begin tags and end tags must be identical.

Available sections:

  • default
    • PR type (change to your defined PR type identifier)
      • commits
default section is not a real section, it is the default context of the template file. In generate process, Relno will insert default section end tag at the end of the template file. As a result, you should never use default as a section name.